Enjoy your water. 
We'll handle the rest.

Aquatic Management

Aquatic management is a moving target.  We take a holistic, systems approach to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Successful aquatic management requires an understanding of your dynamic system.  Universally applied strategies can be expensive and ineffective.  Colorado Pond and Lake takes the extra time to evaluate your resource and work with you to develop an agreeable treatment strategy. 

Aquatic management tools come in countless forms.  We are able to implement strategies that include proactive aeration system oxygenation all the way to pesticide treatments.  Our managers are state licensed and always happy to work with your desires and budget in mind.

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Fish Stocking

Whether you're looking for weed control, fun for the kids, or to establish a trophy fishery - we're your source.

There are many reasons to establish a fishery in your aquatic resource.  We offer a wide spectrum of fish species, both cold and warm-water, to suit your specific needs.  Our fish are handled with the utmost care to ensure they are healthy when they are hand-stocked into your water.  All stocking recommendations are based on your pond characteristics such as: area, depth, climate, and existing fish populations.

Trout Species: Brook, Brown, Rainbow, Snake River Cutthroat, Tiger, Yellowstone Cutthroat.  Please inquire about other exotics.

Warm-Water Species: Triploid Grass Carp, Fathead Minnows, Bluegill, Sunfish, Black Crappie, Koi, Channel Catfish, Large Mouth Bass, Hybrid Striped Bass, Yellow Perch, Northern Pike, Muskie, and Walleye.

All of the fish stocked by Colorado Pond and Lake are state certified disease free.  Our Triploid Grass Carp are certified sterile, per state requirements.  Contact us for a stocking recommendation and quote today.

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Fish Habitat Design and Installation

Fish structures add a habitat niche to your fishery.

To promote spawning or introduce additional habitat for your predatory or bait fish,  CPL offers a variety of structures to achieve your goals.  Our fish structures are weighted and constructed out of durable PVC, vinyl, and poly materials. 

We work with our clients to design and install comprehensive habitat systems.  This includes choosing appropriate structures and strategic deployment.

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Aeration Systems

To protect your aquatic ecosystem and combat unwanted algal and vegetative growth - aeration is your best friend.

Bottom-diffused and surface aeration are critical, proactive methods of aquatic treatment.  Aeration serves to oxygenate your water body, resulting in several environmentally friendly benefits.  To protect fish health, particularly sensitive species like Trout, aeration ensures adequate dissolved oxygen levels throughout the water column.  The oxygen introduced by aeration also helps to satisfy oxygen demands created by the decay of naturally occurring organic matter.  A further benefit of creating an aerobic environment is the reduced amount of nutrients available for unwanted algal and vegetative growth.  In an oxygen-rich environment, nutrients can be bound and rendered unusable for growth.

The surface agitation provided by aeration prevents the formation of ice.  In the winter, pockets of open water can exchange oxygen with the atmosphere to ensure dissolved oxygen levels in the water remain optimum for fish through the season.  The prevention of ice formation can also be used strategically to prevent ice heaving around important structures or for the preservation of water vessel thoroughfares. 

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Turn that dull pond into a real feature with customizable fountains.

Water fountains are an easy way to add curb appeal to your private or community water.  Colorado Pond and Lake proudly offers Kasco Marine© fountains.  Our fountains are customizable, allowing you to choose from a variety of spray patterns, spray heights, and light configurations.  These fountains are also unique for delivering the same power as competitors at the lowest energy consumption on the market.  Units may be  powered from the electrical grid or by solar energy. 

Colorado Pond and Lake can remove and install your fountain seasonally to prevent damage caused by winter ice formation.  Additionally, we can store, maintain, and clean your fountain in the winter season.

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Custom Docks

Convert your water's edge into a fun recreational area or boat dock.

Installing and maintaining a dock doesn't have to be a hassle.  CPL proudly represents Snap Docks, which conform to our "deploy and play" dock concept.  Colorado Pond and Lake designs, builds, and installs custom docks that fit your exact desired uses.  Whether you are interested in boating, swimming, or simple leisure, we work with you to design your dream dock.  We offer several choices of durable, no maintenance dock sections that are ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes.

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Water Quality Analysis

Understand your water on a molecular level to protect your fish, curtail unwanted growth, and track historic trends.

Laboratory analysis is an unparalleled tool used to determine the chemical properties of your aquatic resource.  The information yielded from the lab will help us establish management strategies, optimize water for fish health, and identify the driving forces behind unwanted algae and vegetative growth.  Water quality analysis is also used to identify the presence of potentially toxic algal blooms that can be of animal and human health concern.  Bi-annual studies are often recommended to establish baselines for management strategies and to track seasonal trends over the years.

Colorado Pond and Lake offers a variety of laboratory analysis packages to target your specific needs.  These packages cut out wasteful studies, so you pay less for the data that is important to you.  Our specialists will help you determine what analysis is right for you.

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Cattail Removal and Riparian Development

Pond aging and wetland bench encroachment are natural processes - let us turn back time.

Colorado Pond and Lake works with property owners and resource managers to delineate reclamation plans to remove nuisance plants like Cattails and Yellow Iris.  We can establish mulit-year strategies to work with your budget.  CPL is not just unique for offering this general service, our trained professionals can distinguish between nuisance and desirable native species.

We work with local ecologists to establish a healthy riparian border comprised of native sedges, rushes, and salt grasses.  These borders don't just act as a healthy habitat for micro and macro-fauna, they help to alleviate the input of nutrients and metals that drive unwanted aquatic growth.

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Bathymetry - Mapping

Map your waterbody in 3-D.

Knowing the exact dimensions of your waterbody is invaluable information for effective aquatic management.  A bathymetric study yields surface area, water depth, sediment depth, and volumetric capacity data.  With this knowledge, management strategies can be properly tailored to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.

Colorado Pond and Lake uses the latest technology to create high definition bathymetric maps.  Measurements are taken via sonar in the field and are then overlaid on satellite imagery to produce comprehensive maps.

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Coming soon

Sedimentation and pond/lake aging are the unavoidable realities of waterbody ownership.  CPL facilitates the remediation

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